For the great author, writing may have come naturally, but for most of us, it is anything but. Most students acknowledge that writing may be difficult, particularly when trying to learn how to write an essay.

The good news is that essay writing isn’t as difficult as it may first appear to be. Continue reading if you want to learn how to write essays but aren’t sure where to begin. We’ll walk you through each phase of the essay-writing process so it’s simpler for you to follow along.

Choose and document your major argument.

  • You must adhere to the guidance provided by your professor or teacher.
  • The subject of your essay is totally up to you.
  • You are preparing to take a test on writing that you must pass.

Assume for the moment that you already have an essay topic or idea in mind. Normally, essay questions require you to support or refute a position. Either you agree or you don’t.

Perform Some Initial Research

We’ve all been there: unable to come up with something to write while becoming increasingly anxious and looking at a blank page or cursor. Throughout your life, you will continue to write cover letters and compile in-depth reports for work.

The inability to write is not a writing issue. The issue is with thinking. You feel uninspired to write since you are unclear of what to say.

Genuine love for the subject is the catalyst for great writing. It’s possible that this year’s Shakespeare play, your lecture on current affairs, or whatever essay topic you were given didn’t immediately strike you as being particularly relevant.

Compose a Thesis Statement and Main Body

The argument that your essay is attempting to portray is referred to as a “thesis statement.” Sometimes referred to as your “theme phrase,” it just defines the subject of your essay. You must first draft it since it will support whatever you write in your essay.

Regardless of what you choose to name it, it’s an important phase in the essay writing process since it creates the overall framework. An outline of your subject and your point of view can be found in a concise thesis example.

Consider that you have been asked to write an essay on the topic of whether or not using animals in research is appropriate. Never utilize animals in your study — use this as your subject line.

Whatever your thesis is, no matter what you add to it, make sure it should be related to your topic and it must be explicit, condensed, and understandable. It provides a succinct synopsis of your whole article. You’ll later develop these ideas in the subsequent portions of your academic work by offering proof, stories, and citations.

You should start crafting the body of your essay using your outline as a guide. Please don’t stray from the subject at hand. Maintain concentration throughout the entire article. You could think about employing English writing software if you need further assistance composing your essay. There are a lot of potential benefits to this. Even when they have fantastic ideas, some people find it difficult to put them in paper. English writing software could be able to aid you if you struggle with this.

Create a Plan for Your Essay

  • You already know the subject of your essay and the stance you will choose.
  • Do you now feel prepared to begin writing?

Not yet, exactly.

Compare the process of creating a home to that of writing an essay. Building a house wouldn’t begin with designing each room independently. Instead, you would construct the framework and foundation first, and then add the inside parts.

Your basis is your topic sentence. Create your framework next. This is referred to as an outline in essay writing.

Include an Introduction and a Conclusion

The next step is to write the introduction, in which you can summarise the essay’s main body. The beginning might provide the reader with some background information and a preview of what to expect from your essay.

The last piece of your essay, the conclusion, is now ready for writing. Here, you should draw attention to the concepts or arguments made in the body. You could add a summary as you finish your essay.


You should quickly summarize your results here. There should be nothing new added. Make sure you don’t stray from the main themes the article discusses or fail to address crucial points. If the topic appears important and relevant, you can elaborate on it in your conclusion. Complete the sentence! This is your last chance to discuss your thesis.

Author Bio

A dynamic writer who is well aware of the techniques, best practices, and strategies to make the perfect assignments. That is why he joined an agency that provides CIPD Assignment Writing Help in Saudi Arabia at the most economical pricing. He has also been amongst the best writers in the agency and has provided quick help.