Below Are The Most Unusual Facts About Universities

The John Harvard Statue At Harvard, Although Of Someone Else, Never Fails To Amaze

No one in the world knows what John Harvard looked like, so when Daniel Chester French embarked on creating a statue of the very Harvard man that sits in the university’s yard, he used his friend as the model.

Apart From The World Known Educational Aspect, The University Of Chicago Is Also Acknowledged For The Biggest Scavenger Hunt Annually.

Nobody tells us why exactly but we kept the tradition since 1989th. Additionally, every year, the list comprises both things that must be found or obtained and things that have to be built, performed, written, programmed, drawn, eaten, designed, painted, and solved. The valid statement is that it is spectacular.

Its Rare Book Room Is Shared With Just One Other Person, For It Has Enough Quantity On Books To Potentially Kill You.

Yale University takes unbelievable measures to preserve the Rare Books and Manuscripts Library from a variety of disasters. It may occur at the library. It’ll get pretty tough in the library if a fire happens. Then the library will fill with a fatal, fire suppressant gas in 30 seconds, you don’t have much time to get yourself out of the library. Air gets sucked from further access as part of the process. Thus you die by suffocation if you don’t respond to the alarms and you continue to work.

Oldest University

Another misconception: Oxford is the oldest and it is recognizable everywhere that there is an academic establishment that opened before Oxford. It’s one of the things that draws would-be students from places all over the world, especially from pedigree families: I wouldn’t mind having one more opportunity to study where it all matters. The greatest (and most genuine), academic title you can attain—the world’s most prominent school gives you this recognition. Except it’s not true.

The University of Oxford located in England comes second in the order of the world’s oldest universities; after all, it’s not cast in stone. The actual oldest university is not very well-known: the lady with the red hat is the University of Bologna in Italy (it is seen in the picture). It was also the first to utilize the word universities denoting its scholars and ranked professors.

Bodleian Library

The city of Oxford is home to about a hundred libraries of various sizes, but the Bodleian Library is the most known. Established in 1602 it is the oldest library in Europe. In doing so, it also has its customary traditions, of course. What counts the most is the Bodleian Library declaration—a promise which all people should accept before they can enter there. Previously the only way to communicate was by mouth, but now students have a choice of writing a note. The visitors who are not the uni people can still be compelled to repeat out loud the declaration, and Oxford has translated it into more than a hundred languages for the visitors to recite in their mother tongue.

Humble Beginnings

The very first idea of Harvard University, the most prestigious name in the history of education, was to set up a place for ministers and the institute was to be named after John Harvard, who had donated his library and left half of his fortune at the time of his death in 1638.

Largest University Library

The Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., is physically the biggest in the entire world, in terms of shelving units and volumes. It serves as the research library for the U.S. Department of Government as well as containing millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps, and manuscripts in its collections.

Secret Societies

Many top universities, such as Yale (Skull and Bones), Harvard (The Porcellian Club), and Oxford (The Bulling Don Club), have secretive societies that are famous for their strict admission criteria and rituals sometimes criticized due to their controversial nature. Many of these nations stimulate their alumni network to build their high-ranking titles.

Pioneering Women

University of Paris by Sorbonne n being among the first Universities to admit women to their course as early as 1861. While it was much later that women were admitted as full-fledged students, it didn’t carry the same weight as it did in the present.


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