CIPDQualifications Have Many Benefits, but What are they?

One of the primary advantages of a CIPD qualification is that it opens doors to many HR positions. Some employers will not consider candidates without relevant CIPD qualifications, even if such qualifications are not mandatory. HR Assistants typically earn £25,000 on average and need a Level 3 qualification to qualify for an entry-level position. You will only pay 5% of your expecting salary for a year of MOL Learn. As a result, those seeking employment or career advancement tend to reap the benefits of CIPD qualifications.

In Addition to CIPD Qualifications


You also receive a CIPD membership. It is a highly regarding membership in the industry that gives you the following benefits:

  • Professional networking opportunities through the CIPD
  • Branches in your area
  • Getting involves in volunteer work
  • Guidance and support for career development
  • Providing legal assistance to employers
  • Helpline for mental health
  • Hubs and journals of knowledge
  • It is a magazine that focuses on human resources
  • Reward and discount programs
  • Events are exclusive to the industry

If you are interested in a career in HR or learning & development or are looking to progress in your current position, CIPD qualifications are extremely valuable. In comparison to what you could earn, the cost of the qualification is a very small percentage. Your MOL Learn course will be supported with extensive course materials, while you’ll also receive the incredible benefits of CIPD membership.

With More Than 20 Years of Experience in the HR or L&D Fields

MOL will work with you to determine the best path toward your goals. CIPD qualifications are highly successful with us, and our tutors use their expertise to make your learning engaging.

Flexibility is key to CIPD Success

  • The expansion of online learning has made gaining CIPD qualifications easier than ever. All you need is excellent access to the internet and obviously a comfortable and calm spot where you sit down and begin your work, as successful work needs your complete focus.
  • There are several CIPD providers who offer life as well as some records CIPD classes for you, so you can connect with them and join their live classes regardless of where you live or belong to.
  • Earning a CIPD qualification has never been easier before with the flexibility to learn more on your own timing and schedule, and the most comfortable thing is you can start at your own pace.
  • If you have this knowledge, you can begin your work and journey to improve your skills and make some innovative advancements in your career smartly and with the confidence that you are making the right choice.

The Report Issues on a Special Basis

Employees experiencing fertility concerns and issues that can be supports by a report publishes by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). According to the report over 2,000 HR professionals and a huge number of decision makers were surveys in the report, along with approx. 300 workers who are struggling and have difficulty conceiving while in employment within the last five years.

This report also finds that there has been a high emphasis in this area, where improvements and advancements in support for employees who are already experiencing fertility issues are still requires. A few important facts have been highlighting in this report are discussing below:

  • It is estimates that almost one out of five workers who struggle with fertility have consideres quitting their jobs;
  • 26% of respondents said this was due to concerns about their career impact, and 47% said that they did not inform their manager or HR about their difficulties or ongoing fertility treatment.
  • Four out of ten employers do not offer fertility treatment as part of their formal policy or plan to do so in the future.

It is acknowledged that Despite these Statistics, Progressive Change is Possible

A number of good practice guidelines are also outlined in the report for workplace support in this area, including:

  • Implementing specific policy provisions to support employees; building an organizational framework to support employees
  • A culture of openness, inclusion, and support within the workplace
  • While considering both partners’ potential impacts of fertility challenges, manage absences and leave with flexibility and compassion
  • Providing line managers with the tools they need to support their employees with understanding and sensitivity

Raising awareness will hopefully encourage employers to take notice and prevent this issue from being overlooks.


Employers have the opportunity to enhance employee well-being and diversity and inclusion strategies so as to stand out in the market, as shown by the findings. Without taking advantage of this opportunity, employers may lose their reputation as employers of choice.

If I Would Like to Become a Member of CIPD, How can I Become one?

You will be capable to access the extensive resources of the CIPD whenever you become a student member or when you join the course. Following the successful completion of our CIPD-accrediting MSc, you will be eligible for Associate membership of the CIPD and will be entitled to use the aftername Assoc CIPD. Chartered membership is available to those with relevant experience.

You gain access to a global CIPD Assignment providing network of deeply informed and influential people. And professionals through membership in the CIPD. We will provide you with opportunities to attend local events, and network with senior executives. And participate in training and development activities (at an additional cost). Feel free to contact CIPD Assignment Writers UK if you need it. Professional assistance with your CIPD assignments.